Despite the November 5 vote approving Proposition A (a measure that will raise Missouri’s minimum wage and mandate paid sick...
This November, Missouri voters will decide on a proposal to raise the state’s minimum wage to $13.75 in 2025 and...
Proponents of raising the minimum wage like to try to take the moral high ground. “Workers deserve a living wage!”...
Missourians may soon be voting on whether to increase the minimum wage from $12.30 to $15 by 2026. Before making...
Who wouldn’t want to get a pay raise? Everyone would enjoy higher wages—but what if a raise meant fewer hours...
This year, the Missouri Secretary of State has already received 24 initiative petitions to raise the state’s minimum wage. If...
A nationwide $15 minimum wage appears to be under discussion in Washington. While they are mulling it over, policymakers might...
The Show-Me Institute’s latest essay explores the possible impact of increasing Missouri’s minimum wage from the current $7.85 per hour...
In Missouri, a single parent employed full time at a minimum wage job will still be in poverty. Some see...