Funding The State Highway System With Increased Fuel Taxes
In recent decades, Missouri’s state highway system has improved both in terms of quality and safety, and it ranks well against other states on many performance measures. To maintain and improve this system in the future, Missouri will have to make timely infrastructure investments. However, MoDOT, the agency tasked with building and maintaining most of our state’s transportation infrastructure, has an unsustainable funding trajectory. Despite cuts to staff and other costsaving measures, cash available for MoDOT’s construction projects have been cut considerably in past years, preventing the department from adding any new projects to the State Transportation Improvement Project (STIP). By 2017, MoDOT’s construction budget will fall to $325 million, $160 million less than what the agency claims to need to maintain the system in its current state.
Read the full testimony for HB 738: .
Read the full testimony for HB 995: .