K-12 education in America looks radically different than it did a year ago—and many families didn’t get a say. Join us on Friday, January 29 at 11:00 AM for a virtual event featuring a panel of experts on Missouri education.
These presentations are designed to help policymakers better understand the school choice movement and make informed decisions about education at the state level.
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Dr. Susan Pendergrass
Director of Research and Education Policy at the Show-Me Institute
The ABCs of school choice: What types of programs exist, how do they work and which states have them?
Dr. Michael Q. McShane
Director of National Research at EdChoice
School choice programs: How are they administered and held accountable?
Jason Bedrick
Director of Policy at EdChoice
What, if any, Constitutional concerns should be considered?
Rachelle Engen
Educational Choice Fellow at Institute for Justice
How could school choice programs be tailored for Missouri and what would it mean for existing school funding?
Dr. James Shuls
Associate Professor at the University of Missouri – St. Louis
Question & Answer Session
Moderated by Dr. Susan Pendergrass
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