Who Gets Tax Credits? Distribution of Tax Credits Issued by the Department of Economic Development Since 1999
Over the last few months, Bruce Stahl and I have been compiling data from the Department of Economic Development (DED) to determine how economic development tax dollars managed by the Department are distributed geographically in Missouri. A full case study is forthcoming on the topic, including regional, city, and city class breakdowns, as well as relevant tax data.
Until then, a preview: the county-by-county breakdown of DED tax credit issuances since 1999. The chart encompasses over $2.3 billion in taxpayer money. Population numbers are taken from the 2010 U.S. Census.
Had tax credits been distributed in line with population, each resident would have received the equivalent of $392.53 in tax credit issuances over that time. Six of Missouri’s 115 counties (114+St. Louis city) received at or above this amount. Saint Louis city projects were issued the greatest number of these tax credit dollars, coming in at $1,075,720,353.70. Several counties received none of these tax credits.
More to come.
(To find your county, hold CTRL-F, then type the name into the dialog box.)