Less Evil, But Still Evil
Another update on the red light camera discussion comes to light by means of a compromise (link via Combest). The House Transportation Committee rescinded requirements for municipalities to install red light cameras, and eliminated detailed provisions regarding photographic verification. Contrary to an earlier proposition, the bill no longer specifies that a driver caught by a red light camera would not have points added to his/her license. Fees for offenders would be capped at $75, except for violators in Springfield, who will pay $100.
The provisions to the unpopular bill make an attempt to reclaim some of the personal privacy that is lost when officials operate red light cameras — which inherently infringe upon personal rights. It is inefficient to create dense legislative provisions to limit the scope of operation of these red light cameras, rather than just getting rid of them altogether. I suppose it can be considered a battle won in the ongoing red light camera war.