An Open Letter to Jamie Allman and 97.1
I hope all is well in “common sense radio” land. I heard you had John Beck, your senior vice-president, on with you this morning, and that you or he gave us a mention. I appreciate that, but I continue to be mystified that you and/or Mr. Beck won’t allow one of our policy analysts on your program to discuss the Aerotropolis proposal.
We here at the Show-Me Institute have studied and written about this bill for months. To simply claim, as I’m told Mr. Beck did, that we are against all tax credits is shallow, at best, and in this case, completely misses the point. The fact, as we have pointed out in numerous op-eds, papers, blog posts, videos and radio and TV interviews, is that Aerotropolis remains a massive tax credit giveaway program that may well leave Missouri taxpayers picking up the tab.
Mr. Beck, who is also a board member of the RCGA, clearly doesn’t see it the way we do. That’s fine, but isn’t this topic important enough that your listeners deserve to hear both sides of the debate? I repeat what has become a long-standing offer to have one of our policy analysts come on your program to talk about Aerotropolis.
I await your call.
Rick Edlund
Communications Director
Show-Me Institute