I Could Be a Psychic
I discovered my calling while reading this article, which recounts psychics’ forecasts for the coming year. I’ll be shocked if this psychic’s predictions don’t happen:
There will be more children home-schooled. […] Sports are going to be very big this year […] In the youth community, the younger people will be brought together by playing sports […]
Homeschooling has been steadily growing in popularity for years, so we can expect that trend to continue unless something out of the ordinary occurs. And kids will play sports in 2010? I could have told them that.
Another psychic weighs in on agriculture and the locavore movement, a topic I wrote about several times during 2009:
I see locally grown crops. I think people will band together and raise more local food.
I, too, see local food growth in the next year, especially in Springfield, Columbia, Kansas City, and other places where people have been interested in it — and lobbying for policies that would favor it — for a while now.
And there’s another prediction about kids and education, this time from a “spiritual adviser”:
I see a big change coming with schools and education. I see something major with education. I don’t know what that is.
It isn’t exactly precise, but you can’t expect anything more detailed from a quote that was given for free. If you want to know what changes are brewing in education, you’d probably have to pay a psychic for their expertise. Or just be patient and keep reading Show-Me Daily.