Missouri Bureaucracy Seeks to Tie Yoga in Regulatory Knots
The Missouri Department of Higher Education is seeking to regulate yoga teacher training programs (YTTs) as “vocational schools” under its Postsecondary School Certification Program. From the Yoga Alliance:
Regulation under this program means that YTTs must comply with extensive requirements and pay expensive fees. We share the concerns of Missouri yogis that regulation of YTTs in this manner is not only unnecessary, but harmful to the yoga community and small businesses in this state.
Other states, including New York and Minnesota, have attempted to license yoga teachers as well.
Yoga is an old practice, and it has done just fine without state occupational licensing. I don’t think we need the state to start tinkering with it now.
I hope Missouri government bodies have the common sense not to butt in here—like they have with African hair braiding and massage therapy.