Hell Hath No Fury Like a Bureaucrat Scorned
A new bill would create a 24-member panel to study autism in the state and recommend policy actions (KMOX coverage here).
This baffles me. The fiscal note (an estimate of the fiscal cost to the state) for this legislation is nearly identical to the anticipated costs of the Special Needs Tax Credit. But, in true bureaucratic fashion, lawmakers would rather spend money on “analyzing” the problem (maybe they’ll issue a report!) instead of actually helping those affected.
Sarah Brodsky wrote a great op-ed about this topic. Why not let parents decide what’s best for their autistic children? Considering the idiosyncrasy of the disorder (it affects individuals in vastly different ways), any general approach to addressing it will prove difficult anyway. It’s better to let parents deal with their children’s condition on an individual level.
If we’re going to spend taxpayer money on autism, shouldn’t the money actually go to those that are affected?