It Looks Like the Public Service Academy Might Already Be Here …
… And it’s a charter school. Actually, I’m not sure whether this particular school is truly the long-dreaded Bureaucrat High or not. The school is the Academy for Civic and Entrepreneurial Leadership. “Civic Leadership” could mean civil service prep, but “Entrepreneurial” invokes business and the marketplace. So which is it? I’m still confused after reading this article (link from Edspresso). Leaning toward the private sector, the school will incorporate technology into the classroom, and students will participate in internships. On the government side, students will research government agencies, and someone is quoted saying that the school should be close to as many public sector office buildings as possible.
The school’s website isn’t enlightening — the few paragraphs posted so far basically just talk about video production. What do you think? Evil government service academy of doom, or just a confused charter?