What Do You Get When More Than 70 Percent Of Voters Support Anti-TIF Candidates?
Apparently, you get a TIF (Tax Increment Financing) anyway. The Ellisville City Council appears to be going forward with a TIF plan despite the overwhelming opposition to it within the city. How can I say “overwhelming opposition”? Well, earlier this month, the two anti-TIF candidates for mayor received more than 70 percent of the total vote. Seems like strong evidence to me that the people of Ellisville do not want this tax giveaway. But city officials nevertheless are going forward with it. Last night, the TIF received preliminary approval, and it is set for final passage in another two weeks. If this passes, it would be one of the most appalling decisions by an elected body I have ever seen. “Let’s enact terrible economic policy AND ignore the will of the voters at the same time!”
The vote last night was 5-2, with the newly victorious anti-TIF mayor and one city councilmember (who also ran for mayor opposing the TIF) voting against it.
I predict the Ellisville charter rules on referendum and recall will quickly become very important in Ellisville if the TIF passes — along with Missouri TIF-related case law involving referendums from this lawsuit.