Government Grants Waivers to the Favored
I highlighted previously how the federal government is arbitrarily exempting favored groups from the health care regulation. To date, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has granted waivers to 800 unions and companies.
These special exemptions encourage corruption and lobbying. This system rewards parties that make large campaign contributions in exchange for special favors. It also encourages private businesses to hire teams of lobbyists to ensure that new laws and regulations don’t put them out of business.
The Washington Times Water Cooler blog asks:
If the new health care act is so great why are companies applying for the HHS exemption waivers to avoid the mandate? And more importantly, if companies should be so excited about the health care law, why is HHS granting waivers to “90-plus” who apply for them?
My thoughts exactly. I also wonder: Won’t this push even more of the costs of the health care regulation onto the groups and individuals that aren’t issued waivers?