Become a Friend of Freedom
We don’t generally use Show-Me Daily to ask for your support — instead, we keep it consistently updated with new observations about public policy and economics, and encourage the lively discussions in our comment threads. It’s worth noting, however, that this blog is made possible by individual contributions from people like you. The end of the year is rapidly approaching, and a small donation to support our work would be a tremendous help in furthering the cause of freedom in Missouri.
The economy has been tough lately, as politicians respond to fiscal crisis by spending ever larger amounts of tax revenue and still clamor for more. It’s important to be frugal, but we must remind you that although the economy is still stalling, our work in fighting for fiscal sanity is not in recession. It’s more important than ever that friends of freedom stand against the latest tide of public opinion — against economic illiteracy and government handouts, against higher taxes and even higher spending, against the kind of burdensome regulation and red tape that hampers market growth and prevents price mechanisms from allocating labor and capital efficiently. If we want the economy to recover, it will take a powerful voice calling for economic freedom. The more people who support the Show-Me Institute’s efforts, the louder that voice will grow.
It doesn’t take much. A donation of as little as $25 will help us: conduct the best in academic-caliber economic research; spread the word about the value of free markets and individual liberty through speaking events, our websites, and in group discussions; promote government transparency and accountability; and reach out to the many people who are on our side but don’t yet know we’re here. The best ideas in the world only provide results if people hear them and act on them, and that’s more likely to happen if we stand together.
So, during this holiday season, if you’re trying to find a gift for the person who has everything, try an investment in freedom. The rest of our prosperity hinges on that freedom. It’s also the kind of gift you can give to yourself.
If you’d like to know more about the ways in which you can help the Show-Me Institute fulfill its mission of “advancing liberty by promoting market solutions for Missouri public policy,” contact Rebecca Bruchhauser: (314) 726-5655 or [email protected]