Calling All Interns: Introducing the SMI Free-Market Question of the Week
As you may know, one of our areas of interest here at the Show-Me Institute is occupational licensing, as in: How do we get less of it? We will be publishing some great work about this very shortly. I know that it is great, because it’s mine. That aside, here is the first Show-Me Daily free-market question for our readers, staff, former interns, etc.
What is the common occupation with the absolute least amount of government involvement?
The second part: What is the most prominent occupation with the least amount of government involvement?
There are plenty of occupations that don’t involve getting a license as a precondition to work, as doctors and lawyers must do. But many of them, such as farmers or bankers, clearly involve a great deal of government contact. What is the common (legal) occupation where you deal, in any way, shape, or form with the government the least? And, along the lines of doctors, what is the most prominent occupation that does not in any way involve a government license? My answer to the second might be clergymen. I don’t have an answer yet to the first.
Fire away in the comments section. …