Why Buy the Milk if You Can’t Tell Whether It’s Hormone-Free?
My colleagues have done an excellent job of demonstrating the unconstitutionality and general craziness of the proposal to forbid labeling milk "hormone free." I’d like to point out that if we follow this line of reasoning, we’ll have to change the labels on all other breakfast foods, too:
- Cereal will no longer be labeled as "crunchy" or "crispy," because that implies other cereals are soggy.
- Eggs will no longer be labeled "free-range," because that implies some hens are raised in tight spaces.
- No more golden delicious apples, because that implies other apples are not tasty.
- No more "I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter," because that implies you could believe that other butter substitutes are just substitutes.
In short, this proposal is just as bad as the FDA’s idea to forbid labeling suncreens above SPF 30, because it implies that the higher SPF sunscreens offer more protection … even though they do.