I Love University City, But I Hate This Proposal…
I have weighed in on my absolute hatred of red light cameras before. Now my own hometown, University City, in which I am extremely proud to live, is considering installing them right by my house. University City, which was the only (I think) municipality in the area to pass one of those ‘don’t-cooperate-with-the-Feds’ anti-Patriot Act ordinances, is now getting into the very same act itself, or at least considering it. As I said previously, red-light cameras are not about safety, they are about new revenue collected under the guise of safety, and the last thing in the world that should be contracted out to private companies is law enforcement. And I say that as someone who thinks government should contract out lots of things to private industry.
I may have to take the radical-yet-strangely-whimsical act of speaking before my city council about this at the next meeting. By the way, the cameras at Big Bend don’t even make any sense to me as it is a T-intersection, not a 4-way, and my experience with it is that traffic goes very slowly around the intersection. I admit there can be a problem at Hanley, but U. City should have its police enforce the intersection more closely, not hire a company to snap photos of me as I walk my dog. I shall keep you all informed as this issue progresses…