Why You Should Wear a Color Other Than Purple Today
Missouri’s Department of Health is calling on everyone to wear purple today to protest senior citizen abuse (thanks to Combest for the link):
Monday is the fourth annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Activities are planned across the world to demonstrate the need for efforts to prevent it. Senior services department Director Margaret Donnelly says that wearing purple will help raise awareness about elderly abuse.
State encouragement of protests goes beyond state symbols and endorsements because it tries to change behavior. (Recognizing official state animals is an improper use of government, but at least it doesn’t lead to any action.) Even if you don’t think protesting senior abuse is something to get upset over — after all, everyone agrees abuse is bad — you should still be worried that the state will next sanction more-controversial protests. From there, it’s just a small step to officially opposing unpopular demonstrations.
The state should absolutely investigate and prosecute abuse. But protesting abuse and deciding what color to wear should be left to the private sector, without state influence one way or the other.