“That’s Right, and Who Might You Be?”
In yesterday’s “Political Eye” column in the St. Louis American, the author welcomed the Show-Me Institute to the city of St. Louis:
A recent email sent to drive traffic to Slay’s campaign site with one of its inane polls referred blithely to “your tea party friends.” Slay’s team seems to want to send the message that government-hating right wingers are welcome here. No wonder the Show-Me Institute set up shop in the city.
There is, of course, only one legitimate reply to this, and, not surprisingly, it was said by Homer Simpson. From the fourth season, episode 14 — you’ll find the video here. The line comes at about the 0:48 mark. Definitely one of the best lines in one of the single best episodes of the best TV series ever.
Thanks to St. Louis’ own Bart Simpson for the article link.