Recent Articles From SMI Writers and Economists
If you are a fan of our blog you may not have seen some of the latest op-eds and other articles we have released lately on the main site. Sarah Brodsky has just sent out an article on the benefits of tuition tax-credits for children with autism.
Dr. Joe Haslag and Rex Sinquefield have written quite extensively on the Bombardier proposal before the Missouri General Assembly now, and have been among the few to actually run the numbers and question the deal’s assumptions.
Our soon-to-exit intern Nick Loyal and I co-wrote a piece on one of Missouri’s silliest and least defensible taxes: the local pool table tax. Ironically, the supervisor of the largest pool hall in the state of Missouri (as mentioned in the article), Fr. Hagan at St. Louis University High School, died a few days ago after decades of dedication to educaton and SLUH. "Nickel!"