Great Moments in Film-Related Think Tank History, Part 1 (Probably of 1)
So, my wife and I are watching the all-time classic Say Anything this weekend when I heard something I never realized before, probably because I didn’t work at a think tank when I saw the movie before. Anyway, as this is one of my favorite movies, and one which I sometimes reference (will not waste time searching for a past reference we unfortunately don’t catalogue our posts by "pop culture allusions"), it was cool to hear that the fellowship that school valedictorian Diane Court was going to London for was, to quote her dad, "an international think tank." Pretty neat, huh?
The other highlight of seeing the movie again was catching a very young Ari Gold as one of the characters hanging out at the Gas ‘N Sip trying to get Lloyd to go to a kegger with them. "Bitches, man!"