Some Very Good Ideas on Assessments From Lindbergh Schools
Before I take off for the holidays, I wanted to link to this article in the Post-Dispatch about an assessment task force made up of residents of the Lindbergh School District. This task force has really done some good work and come up with some excellent ideas. In particular, the parts on capping the district’s reserve funds, reconsidering the heavy use of TIFs, and standardizing the assessment process are worthwhile goals. My own ideas on assessments can be found in this op-ed, which was carried today by the St. Louis Business-Journal, for which we thank them.
That’s it. I am out of blogging until January 2nd (probably). Don’t forget to pay your property taxes by December 31 leaving aside for now the issue of how high they are. Happy holidays to all of our readers. I wish all three of you the very best.