Expanded Opportunities: A Discussion About Tax Credit Scholarships
Many students in unaccredited school districts want and need better educational options. However, Missouri’s public school leaders do not want to provide those options through inter-district choice programs. They worry that inter-district choice would bankrupt struggling school districts and place an undue burden on the more successful ones. There is, however, an option that avoids these problems – private school choice financed through tax credit scholarship programs. These programs, which are in place in 14 states, expand educational opportunities for K-12 students by generating private investment in education.
The Show-Me Institute and the Hammond Institute for Free Enterprise at Lindenwood University hosted a discussion about tax credit scholarships, explaining what they are and how they might be beneficial to Missouri. During the event, Jason Bedrick and Jonathan Butcher presented information from their recent Show-Me Institute case-studies and Paul DiPerna presented the findings of a new poll. The discussion also included a legislative panel that included Missouri Senators John Lamping and Maria Chappelle-Nadal and Missouri House Speaker Tim Jones. You can view the papers and video of the presentations via the links below.
- Bedrick case study:
- Bedrick presentation:
- Butcher case study:
- Butcher presentation:
- DiPerna presentation: