Regulatory action that allows restaurants to serve to-go cocktails is one step closer to becoming permanent. While this is obviously a win for restaurants and takeout enthusiasts, it also speaks to a larger movement: the recognition and elimination of unnecessary regulations.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Missouri temporarily relaxed and waived hundreds of regulations to both ease the burden on businesses and allow for an effective pandemic response. This led to an important question: If these regulations are not necessary during trying times, are they necessary during normal times? Do doctors and advanced practice registered nurses really need to be within 75 miles of each other to collaborate? Is it really necessary for certain licensed professionals to receive their continuing education in person at specified locations as opposed to virtually?
Regulations burden businesses and make it harder for workers to get and keep jobs. Red tape hurts our economy and stifles growth, so if a regulation truly isn’t necessary, it should be eliminated.
I’ve previously called for these waivers to be made permanent and it’s good to see some progress during the legislative session. No matter how trivial it may seem to allow to-go cocktails, the larger issue of eliminating unnecessary regulations is a serious one. Other states have already taken steps to eliminate regulations and promote economic growth. This is a small step, but hopefully Missouri will continue to recognize and eliminate harmful regulations.