Two New Cities Considered in Franklin County
We have a new leader in the "most boring headline ever" competition here at SMI. The only way anyone is ever going to click on this post is if my friend Gus W. stops by the site. But anyway …
There are two new municipalities being considered in Franklin County. The Post-Dispatch has a good article on the debate today. One of the proposed cities, Lake St. Clair, has gone about the process the right way, and one, Stonewater, has taken advantage of the controversial "village law" passed last session to attempt to bypass the normal rules. It should also be noted that there is only one resident of Stonewater, and nobody can reasonably be so pro-property rights that they think any single individual should be able to incorporate their property into a new political entity on a whim.
I actually don’t have too much to add from the article’s coverage of the decisions of the Franklin County Board of Commissioners. It seems correct to me that the residents of Lake St. Clair form a new city, and it seems more than reasonable that Stonewater was denied:
Stonewater is 40 acres of almost entirely vacant ground off Holtgrewe Road southwest of Washington. Ferguson, a developer in the county, is the site’s only resident.
Just because Wikipedia has a terrific article on micronations does not mean you have to grant political autonomy to every jerk who wants his own city. ‘Nuff said.