“The Clothes Make the Man”
"… Naked people have little or no influence on society." Mark Twain
I don’t know much about the pros and cons of police using golf carts, but I was surprised by this article about what police are using them for in Pine Lawn. Giving people tickets because their pants are too low? And parents could end up in jail for three months if their 16-year-old-or-younger kids wear the offending style?
My first reaction to this was that maybe they have nothing else to worry about in Pine Lawn. The article mentions gunshots and a chase, though, so that can’t be right. And violent crime must scare businesses away at least as much as low pants. (The ostensible reason for the pants ordinance is to bring businesses to the city.)
If Pine Lawn wants to attract more economic activity, it should crack down on real crimes not fashion crimes.