Top 10 Reasons to Calm Down About Education Reform
I just stumbled across this blog: The World Is Your Campus. The author, Maya Frost, is writing a book about creative ways to get an education. Some of her posts deal with school reform issues, too (like this one about combining middle schools and high schools). So I optimistically followed her link to Top Ten Global Trends That Force Us to Rethink Education, expecting to feel validated for all the hard work I put in here, writing and blogging about reform.
It starts out OK, pointing out that skilled workers are essential for our knowledge-based economy. I’m nodding my head. Then it starts to degenerate into truisms, like: "Jobs that exist today will not necessarily exist when today’s students finish school." Yeah, but so what? There’s no policy implication.
The worst is at the end of the list:
The Singularity is almost here: Human-surpassing intelligence will guarantee that the future is far more different than we can imagine. Are we supplying students with the creative skills required to thrive in a future that demands routine human creativity?
Beam me up, Scotty.