More Education Problems
Dave Roland and I testified in Jefferson City today in regard to HB 2458, popularly known as the “Children’s Education Freedom Act.” Our comments were consistent with previous comments we’ve made on behalf of tuition tax credit programs.
The members of the bipartisan committee were largely in agreement about the need for immediacy of action in regard to educational reform. But my favorite comment of the day came from Rep. Leonard Hughes (D?Kansas City), who offered a particularly insightful analogy during the cross-examination after a representative of the Missouri State Teacher’s Association testified in opposition to the bill. Here is my own paraphrase of his comments:
What happens when you take your car into the shop? Do you go a week without a car, hoping that it might be fixed, or do you rent a car temporarily so that you can still get around? You get a rental car, right?
Our public schools need to be fixed. Rather than forcing our children to remain in failing schools waiting for them to be fixed, we should offer them “rental car” alternatives such as a tuition tax credit might offer.
It was very well said. I haven’t done it nearly enough justice here.