I’ll Miss Rep. Bearden
It was announced yesterday that Rep. Carl Bearden is resigning from the Missouri House. As a person who wants to see the education system improve, it’s a sad day to know that someone who fought for parents and students to have more options will leave the place where he could have made changes. I think this quote sums up his beliefs (courtesy of the Columbia Tribune):
“The educational establishment seems to have this opinion that unless
it’s your idea, or unless it’s blessed by you, no one outside of
education is smart enough to disagree. It almost comes across as, ‘How
dare you, as a non-educator, question or challenge what we think?’ That
attitude is growing very thin in this building.”
Bearden didn’t make many friends in the public school system in Missouri, but it’s difficult to make friends in the establishment when you fight for reform. Good luck in whatever you do, Rep. Bearden.