City Students + Parochial Schools = Great Education
In the St. Louis Post-Dispatch today, an article discusses efforts by the Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation to fund 100 scholarships, worth $2,000 each, to low-income city students who would like to attend parochial schools:
Foundation leaders are aiming to steer students away from troubled St.
Louis public schools immediately. They also hope to bolster enrollment
at Catholic and Lutheran schools in the city, many of which are
struggling to fill empty desks.The program would give 100 children $2,000 each year for nine years, paying half to two-thirds of school tuition, Catholic school and foundation officials said Monday.
The program is a win-win for both parents and the parochial schools. It is great for parents who can’t afford to send their children to parochial schools because of prohibitive costs, and great for parochial schools who are having trouble increasing enrollment. Judging by the recent state of the Saint Louis public schools, I assume that these scholarships will be snapped up quickly, giving parents the option of sending their children to better schools.