Choice Against the Odds
Here’s a moving story in the Post-Dispatch about a girl who’s had to work hard to attend private schools:
Jeleesa had wanted to be a lawyer. Cole opened the phone book and started writing letters. She figures she sent one to every law firm listed. Then she wrote to companies — big ones, like Monsanto, the former Ralston Purina Co., and Anheuser-Busch.
Cole’s life became a hunt for connections. She scribbled names on scrap paper at meetings, at work, at school. She came away with lists of charities, foundations and businesses. She tracked down the Knights of Columbus, Catholic Charities and even pro football players.
Low-income families shouldn’t have to work as full-time fundraisers just so their kids can get a high-school education. But the positive side of this story is that it shows how beneficial parental choice can be. When Jeleesa had to improve her grades in order to stay at her new private school, she excelled beyond everyone’s expectations.