Board of Education Makes the Right Call
Janese Heavin at the Columbia Daily Tribune reports that the Columbia Board of Education has wisely decided not to channel any more taxpayer money into a lawsuit that tries to force Missourians to foot the bill for more than $1 billion in additional educational funding.
Ever since Judge Callahan handed down his thorough, well-reasoned rejection of the claims brought in CEE v. Missouri, school districts all over the state have been declining to add to the more than $4 million of taxpayers’ money that has already been spent in pursuit of this case. As Board Vice-President Darin Preis said regarding the judge’s
written opinion, "[I]t makes sense to me. It doesn’t look like we have
a good case."
Thus, despite last-minute pleading from one of the attorneys who had been absorbing much of the money spent on the case (and who stands to collect much, much more if the suit continues), Columbia now happily joins a growing list of school districts in agreeing that Judge Callahan’s decision was correct.